This workshop is for the beginner-intermediate level orthosis fabricator (splinter) (OT, PT, COTA, PTA) who would like to learn how to successfully fabricate and use static-progressive and dynamic/ mobilization orthoses (splints). Participants must be able to fabricate a static (immobilization) orthosis (splint). Student to faculty ratio is maximum of 6 students to 1 instructor.
Orthosis fabrication (Splinting) principles and biomechanics
Orthosis fabrication (Splinting) precautions and clinical applications
Analysis of thermoplastic and characteristics
Wound healing and tissue response to orthosis fabrication (splinting)
Analysis of the stiff hand
Principles of immobilization/mobilization
Analysis of static-progressive, dynamic, and serial static orthoses (splints)
Tools, materials, application of orthosis fabrication (splinting) principles
Design and pattern-making
Fabrication of forearm and hand based orthoses (splints)

Options for Finger Cuff
- Identify surface/functional anatomy and considerations crucial to orthosis fabrications (splinting) for the hand
- Describe principles of mechanics specific to immobilization and mobilization orthoses (splints)
- Describe pre-fabrication considerations related to patient’s functional/physical needs
- Identify 6 characteristics of thermoplastics and the clinical applications
- Demonstrate correct use of padding and strapping
- Design and fabricate finger and thumb orthoses (splints)
- Identify wound healing and scar formation principles that affect choices of type of orthosis fabrication (splinting)
- Evaluate and describe the correct fit, clinical applications and effectiveness of each orthosis
8:30-10:30 Lecture
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12 noon Fabrication of MP Flexion orthosis (splint)
Lunch on your own
1-3 Fabrication of MP Extension orthosis (splint)
3-3:15 Break
3:15-5:00 Fabrication of Thumb IP Flexion orthosis (splint) and Q&A
7 hours approved by CA OT Board
7 hours approved by CA OT for AP in hand therapy (#12-H8)
7 hours approval pending CA PT Board
Approved by the Nevada State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for .75 CE Units